Does my sim time count towards any type of actual training?

  • No, our simulators have no certifications. Despite their realism, our simulators are designed for primarily entertainment purposes.

Is there an age limit?

  • Yes – 12 years old and up. However, we have on occasion made an exception to the rule depending on the situation.

What if I crash?

  • No worries! We can simply reset the sim for you to try again.

Could I get motion sickness in the simulator?

  • Possibly, but it is unlikely as there is no actual motion involved. We recommend you just close your eyes if you start to feel ill. And remember, the simulation can be paused at any point.

How realistic is the simulator?

  • Quite realistic. Our simulators are full size, 1:1 scale, built from actual aircraft parts, and they incorporate many features found on professional training sims.

Do I have to be a pilot, or have any type of training to fly the simulators?

  • No, anybody can try their hand at flying our sims.

Do you take credit cards?

  • Yes, we accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover through PayPal.

Do you take checks?

  • No, but we’re happy to accept cash or credit cards.

Do your Simulators move?

  • No, the sims do not have motion platforms but there are sound transducers throughout the cockpit that provide thumps and bumps and motion cues.

Do I need to make a reservation?

  • Yes, all sim adventures are by appointment only. Please call ahead to book your slot. A reservation deposit of $25 is required.

Do you take groups?

  • Not at this time, but it is in our future plans.

Can I make a reservation online?

  • We are happy to take your reservation by email or by phone. We can accept PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Can other people watch my flight?

  • The 707 simulator can accommodate up to 4 people—1 of them will always be the sim operator. So yes, there is room for 3 guests.

Do you sell anything besides flight sim time?

  • Yes, please visit our gift shop page online for a selection of ASA merchandise. Our on-site gift shop has an even wider selection of items including books, videos and artwork.

Will I be experiencing any simulated emergencies and/or failures while flying the sim?

  • We do have the capability of generating a limited amount of emergency situations such as engine fires, electrical failures, engine out, and a few others. However, we will only use those with more experienced flyers who are interested in that type of challenge.

Is there a minimum time?

  • Yes, we book the sims in a minimum of 1 hour blocks.

Will I need my glasses to fly the simulator?

  • Yes—the collimated visuals on the sim recreate distance, and if you need glasses to drive (or to see across a room) you will need your glasses to fly the sim.

What if I change my mind about the adventure I have booked?

  •  Adventures are based on an approximate amount of time. We’re not really watching the clock—we want you to be able to complete the adventure. However, if you change your mind you can apply the amount you paid for the adventure toward sim time by the hour.